Monday, September 28, 2015

Blog 7: Second Interview Preparation

Blog 7 - Second Interview Preparation

This is a map of a United States Military Operation during the war in Vietnam

Who is your mentor and where do they work? If their workplace doesn't reflect their expertise, what makes them an expert?

My Mentor is Kyle McDaniel, and he is currently unemployed but will be re-enlisting for the United States Military come October of this year. He is an expert on the subject of Military Strategy and Tactics because as a Designated Squad Leader, it was his job to make sure his ten marines were squared away and ready to go alongside needing to understand the inner working of military tactics especially dealing with MOUT since he was a squad leader whom served a tour in Iraq.

What five questions will you ask them about their background?

Well, the questions I will be asking him will be related to the functions both practical and on paper of a squad. Now I would first like to flesh his background out, so that the listener will be able to understand how credible this source of information is. Now for the questions;

  1. What is your name, last earned paygrade on active duty and occupational speciality?
  2. What is a squad in the context of the United States Marine Corp
  3. How long did it take you to achieve the rank of Designated Squad Leader?
  4. What were your duties and reponsibilities as a DSL?
  5. During your tour, how well were you able to adapt to leading a squad on an active duty combat tour?
  6. Where you typically briefed about a good portion of the operation at hand?

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